About issei

Hello, everyone who have met issei in the nature, or those who have exchanged business card with issei, or those who found issei though the internet. We are issei.

Probably, lots of you are thinking “What is issei?”, so let us tell you about issei by Q&A.

QWhat is issei?

issei is a company which provides environmental and ecological consulting service based on surveys and data.
We are committed to support the society living with nature, so our clients are mainly government such as Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, as well as administration of prefectures, cities, towns, villages, and so on.

QWhat is issei’s mission?

We work with the slogan “Learning from Nature, Living with Nature”.
Rather than excluding humans from nature, we aim to create a society where people can live a fulfilling life by learning from nature and living with nature.

QWhat can issei do?

We work at everywhere if there is natural environment such as mountain, ocean, liver, farmland, urban perk, and so on. Our work is not only survey and analysis but coordinate and manage the meeting and symposium at every city.
Currently, our main field is in Japan, but we are willing to work at abroad as well, so if you have any interest in about our work, do not hesitate to contact us! Here’s examples of our works below.

Survey and Analysis

  • Assessment of environmental impact
  • Monitoring survey of flora and fauna, plankton, artificial reef, seaweed, landscape, etc.
  • Data analysis, GIS analysis, statistical analysis, etc.
  • Monitoring survey of Living environment such as, water quality, air quality, noise, vibration, bottom sediment, soil quality, groundwater, etc.

Planning and Research

  • Consulting and planning the conservation of habitats for endemic species and endangered species
  • Designing and planning the sustainable use of natural resources in marine park, national park, urban park, protected area, etc.
  • Researching and developing DNA analysis,planning and creating biotope, designing the system of efficient utilization of controlled species such as deer and wild boar, etc.

Support and Organize

  • Designing and creating tools for public relations about nature in world natural heritage sites, national parks, and other preserved areas, such as multilingual pamphlet and guiding books for foreign travelers, guiding manuals based on academic intelligence for local guides, etc.
  • Coordinating and managing meeting, workshops, symposiums about wildlife and natural environment
  • Supporting and organizing local actions for wildlife conservation, preservation of natural environment, nature observation, eco-education, etc.
QWhere can you find issei?

Main office locates at Kakogawa City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
(Kakogawa City is Just between Himeji City which owns National Tresure Himeji Castle and Kobe City which is famous about Kobe Beef!)
Also, issei’s branch office are located at Tokyo and Kyusyu.

QWhat is meaning by issei?

Issei is another pronunciation of the founder’s first name, Kazunari.
If you meet founder or issei’s fellows, just call as “issei-san”!

We are looking forward to seeing you or collaborate with you somewhere and sometime.
Contact us anything when you need our support the task whatever related to natural environment in Japan.